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Home » Eye Care Services » Scleral Contact Lenses » Scleral Lenses: FAQ

Frequently Asked Question

How Much Do Scleral Contacts Cost?

Unlike regular contact lenses, scleral lenses are custom fit to the eye. This requires significantly more training on the part of the optometrist, expensive equipment and multiple visits to achieve the optimal fit. In addition to the fitting process, the patient must also be trained on how to properly care, insert and remove scleral lenses. This is why professional fees associated with fitting scleral lenses are higher than traditional contact lenses.

Our optometric team at Antoine Eye Care Scleral Lens Center will be happy to discuss your specific costs and payment options based on your individual needs.

Does Insurance Cover The Costs Of Scleral Lenses?

Scleral lenses are not automatically covered by vision or medical insurance. Though most insurances will reimburse the costs for scleral lenses when medically necessary, the rates and restrictions tend to vary greatly from one vision insurance provider to the next.

We will be happy to provide assistance in helping you apply insurance benefits to your scleral lenses. However, given that insurance policies vary widely, we cannot guarantee how much coverage you will receive from your provider.

It’s important to note that scleral lenses, which are hard lenses, last far longer than soft contact lenses. While their costs may be higher, their many benefits and lifespan make it a worthwhile investment.

What Happens During a Scleral Lens Fitting?

  • Consultation and testing (Digital Imaging)
  • Measurement and fitting
  • Dispensing of the lens
  • Training on how to care, insert and remove the lenses.
  • Follow up(s) for micro-adjustments

Are Scleral Lenses Custom Fit?

Designed by Dr. Michael Antoine, O.D., all scleral lenses are custom-made to match the exact contours of your eyes. A topographer digitally maps out the exact dimensions and shape of your eyes resulting in custom-designed scleral lenses that ensure maximum comfort and acuity. Thanks to our latest technology, we can provide microscopic precision when developing each scleral lens.

Our patients experience enormous relief when they see that they can manage their keratoconus and other corneal conditions successfully without surgery.

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Call 314-207-7355
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